
One-click solution for sharing your websites

It is like Dropbox, but for your websites.

Available options:
  • A zip file that contains an index file(for example: index.html, index.htm)
  • A PDF file

For trial site, it will be deleted in 10 minutes automatically. Please consider registering an account if you like this service.

How it works

Stop worrying about setting a server for your websites.

1 Upload a zip file.
2 StaticFast works out the magic.
3 Get a public URL.

Why choose us

Secure and scalable.

Powered by AWS Cloud

All your files are stored in the AWS cloud. It offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. All files on StaticFast are securely stored in AWS cloud.

Secured by SSL

SSL keeps internet connections secure and prevents criminals from reading or modifying information transferred between two systems. All websites on StaticFast come with SSL certifcate for free.

Delivered by CDN

A CDN helps sites deliver content quickly and efficiently even during times of heavy traffic. All websites on StaticFast are delivered via CDN.



7 days free trial, cancel at anytime.

Solo $9/month
  • 7 days free trial
  • 2 websites
  • Up to 20 MB storage
  • Free SSL
  • Free Public URL
Growth $19/month
  • 7 days free trial
  • 5 websites
  • Up to 100 MB storage
  • Free SSL
  • Free Public URL
  • Map to Your Own Domain
  • Live Code Editor
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